Monday, August 20, 2007

Well, 6 hours ago, I finally said goodbye and good riddance to my cancer! The awful chemo port was removed from my chest this afternoon. It was scary and very painful at first but fine after the numbing shots kicked in.
My neighbors came to my rescue. My wonderful neighbor, Amanda Loughran, took off work early today just to be home to get Wade when he got off the bus from school while I was at the hospital. Then, my good friend Rusty (Amanda's son) drove me and Cody to Deaconess Hospital today to be my support and take pictures for my website for me. They are the best neighbors & friends!

I am glad it's all over with. I hope I never have to go through this again or anyone else. The whole cancer deal, surgeries, chemo, radiation, all of it is even much worse than you think it is. God Bless anyone who is going thru it now. That is why I decided to document everything because when I started this journey, there wasn't much out there to give me comfort or prepare me for what was ahead. So I hope these pictures and my cancer journal can help someone else dealing with the cancer monster.

Cancer can go to hell!


pilgrimchick said...

Congrats to you for facing the "cancer monster" with such inner strength and deep contemplation. I can only imagine how that feels for you--what a triumph. I am sure your journey will provide inspriation for others going through similar circumstances in the future.

sali*** said...

hi mallory, it is definitely inspirational. i've been diagnosed with breast cancer and my port-a-cath has been placed 2 days ago. i'm still in pain, but reading your blog gives me strength to move on.

thanks from belgium.