Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a good Christmas. We did! We had a great time with our families for Christmas. I'm still working on all the thank you's I need to send out! We just got home from radiation #7 today. I'm a bit nauseous, but ok for the most part. I've started drinking Boost & Ensure and I think it helps. They took more xrays today, not sure why, just checking to make sure they aren't turning my insides to mush I guess.
So far so good, still breathing, will be so happy when completely finished and I don't have to see that nasty cancer building everyday. I will also be so happy to get this port device taken out of my chest, it's become very itchy and bothersome.
Happy New Year, Let's hope next year is WAY better!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Radiation EVERYDAY...

I began radiation on tuesday and I go everyday now until about Jan 4th. I don't have to go on weekends. The radiation itself is a little scary but not near as horrible as chemo was. When I walk into the radiation room, the scariest thing was not the radiation machine, but actually the door to the room!

It hit me how very serious radiation was when I saw the 8" thick steel door with the radiation warning signs all over it and a huge locking mechanism on it. The nurses walk you in, set you up on the table, line up the lasers that are on all four walls of the room with all the marks they have put on my body, then they leave the room. They close the huge 'bank vault' door behind them, the alarm goes off and the radiation begins, it only takes about 2 minutes as the machine zaps me from the top and then flips upside down to zap me from the bottom. Thankfully, I can't feel anything except vibrations.
I've done 3 so far, go in today for #4 and I've noticed it causes extreme fatigue and just a little stomach queezyness.
I'm glad it's almost over and I hope I never have to go through any of this again. This has been a VERY, VERY rough 7 months of my life, but I just thank GOD I still HAVE my life!.............. I have alot to be thankful for this Christmas!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Start Radiation Monday

Mark and I met with the Radiation doctor, on Wednesday. He told us the PET scan showed "No Evidence of Cancer!" That's awesome! I still have to have radiation though. The PET scans are not 100% accurate and Dr. explained how with Hodgkin's Disease, you have to hit it really hard the first time and make sure you kill it all, because it has a high comeback rate. He also told us that Hodgkin's has a high likelyhood of causing a second cancer to develop, usually Acute Leukemia, a non-hodgkin's lymphoma or hematologic malignancies.
I have good news though.....Doc said I will only need about 12-13 radiation treatments instead of the 30 they originally were talking about so thats great! I have to go everyday except weekends and should be done by Jan 4th. Yea!!! Hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful Christmas! :)

slskenyon said...
I am so glad to hear that you will have to undergo only a fraction of the treatments that you originally thought you would have to. I admire your ability to see this as a "process" you are going through, and I must say that you really are taking things one day at a time, one milestone at a time.
1:05 PM

Bobby S said...
Hey Mallory, thats the news that I have been waiting to hear from you. How wonderful and I couldn't be happier for you. See now that the sky is beginning to lighten from that storm that I talked about. Your Awesome girl. A Genuine inspiration to all. The way that you are fighting this will help so many others and touch alot of lives along the way. You go girl. Your friend Bobby Schneider
4:23 PM

Anne said...
Good luck on your radiation! I'm going to get radiation number 9 today and then 5 more to go! Your blog is very helpful and I would like to link to it if you don't mind. Keep the faith and best wishes to you and your family.Sincerely,Anne
9:31 AM

Fred in Taiwan said...
Thanks be to God! Mallory, you are a real trooper and I had faith that you would come through this! What a wonderful Christmas present and a great way to start the New Year! Bless you all!
11:22 PM

Monday, December 11, 2006

Good News!

Results of the PET scan are in..............Good News, all the lymph nodes are shrank back down! (is shrank a word? ha ha) They said it looked good! I haven't talked to the doctor yet, it was the secretary that called, so I still have some questions. But I'm guessing that means no cancer in my lymph nodes and that it's only in my hip now, but I'll find out more on Wednesday when I meet with the radiation doctor. But so far, that's good news! That means all the horrible 'Drano' they pumped in me for the last 6 months was worth it and it worked!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

PET scan today

I'm going in for a PET & CT scan today. I won't know the results for a couple days. I meet with the radiation doctor next week & then suppose to start radiation treatments right after Christmas. Dr. said it will be around 20-30 rounds of radiation he guesses, it's up to the radiation doctor to decided for sure. Hopefully that will work and get the cancer out of my hip bone. I can feel it ache when I lay on my right side in bed.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

One of those days....

Couldn't sleep again last night, all the steroids (prednisone & decadron) they give me in my chemo keep me up alot and the bad thing is I'm SOOO tired. Weird.
The pain in my neck & shoulders started this afternoon and just would not let up. The weird scratch looking bruises have spread from my left side all the way up my shoulder and on my back now. Here's a picture of my shoulder, you can see it looks like I've been scratched really bad. If any of my cancer message board friends are reading this, let me know if you've also had these weird markings on you after chemo. I heard that it's the tissue bleeding & burning on the inside out from the chemo drugs. I don't know.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Chemo can kiss my you know what!! :) I still have a few days of sickness ahead of me but hopefully by next week I will start to feel like a human again! I'm so glad it's over with. Mark went with me to my last chemo and he laid in the hospital bed with me for the few hours till it was done, just happy it was our last one! Sandra came over to babysit the boys for us that day so that was nice!
We've been gettin' ready for Christmas, I'm really looking forward to it now that I know I won't be sick. Dr. said we may be able to cut the radiation down to 20 treatments but we won't know for sure until I meet with the radiation doctor in a couple weeks. I go in for a PET scan next week, that is the test that will show wether or not all this chemo did it's job, so I'll be nervous about that until the tests come back.
Workin' on gettin' my xmas cards out in the meantime! :)

Bobby said....
Hey Mal, excellent news about your LAST Chemo. Yes now you'll get to feeling a little better every week and before you know it all of the hard times will be behind you. PET scans are a real breeze and the two ladies that did mine were really nice at St. Marys. I look forward to hear some really good news from you about your results. I spent most of Christmas 03 in bed with horrible pain, so Christmas 04 and 05 and now especially 06 will really be special for me. I'm proud of you for your stamina during the hard times and you are a genuine inspiration to me and to all. Your in my prayers everyday my dear friend. Till next time Bobby Schneider