Wednesday, November 21, 2007

PET scan results FINE! :)

Doctor's office called and said results looked fine.
No active signs of cancer found!!!!



Saturday, November 17, 2007

Had another PET scan yesterday

PET scan time again. I went into Deaconess yesterday for 3 hours getting the scan done while they injected me, again, with radioactive material. Not too many more of these and I should start glowing! I want to thank my sister-in-law Sandra for coming over and running my daycare while I was gone. I had a full house of daycare kids Friday and she did great, the kids loved her! It was the hardest time of the day too, lunch time! :) Thanks Sandra.
I do these PET scans every 3 months for the next 3 years and then every 6 months after that for the rest of my life says my oncologist, a.k.a life saver. I won't find out until next week what the results are. Please help me pray that all is clear!

All is going well for the most part. My jobs keep me very busy, but it is well worth it, Mark & I are caught up now on the bills, even though new medical bills come in almost everyday (like the PET scan, it's over $5000 every time) thankfully COBRA is covering most of it and then the Hospitals have been so gracious in working with us to cover anything that is left to pay after COBRA.
COBRA is VERY expensive and we hopefully only have about 1-2 more months to pay it until Mark's insurance at work will kick in.
Right now is very scary because Mark & the boys have NO health insurance. When Mark lost his job from Toyota a few months ago, that left us with no insurance. COBRA was going to be over $1500 a month for all four of us, and of course we didn't have the money to cover that, especially since Mark was out of work. We tried to get help from the State for Hoosier Healthwise to at least cover Wade & Cody, but they denied us coverage since I was working! Isn't the system messed up? If I was lazy and didn't work we could have free health insurance, free groceries & help with utility bills they said. But since, I'm not lazy and work all the time, we can't receive any help during times of crisis. It is very disheartening.
Anyway, enough of that, we just need to make it through a few more weeks without any medical problems.
Mark has been having some very bad chest pains lately. So bad that he could barely make it home the other night. He laid in bed with crushing pain that he asked me for some of my pain meds, he felt so bad. And if you know Mark, it has to be pretty bad before he will take any medicine.
I urged him to go to MEC but he swore it was fine. Now it is 3 days later and the pain has gotten much less and he is working but I still worry what has caused it. He still has occasional deep chest pains ever since his car accident.
Doctor said he would be prone to blood clots from the severe trauma his chest & lungs took when they were crushed.
Overall he is doing great though considering.
Hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving.
This year we have A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!