Monday, March 31, 2008

It is 3 years TODAY since Mark's accident

Can you believe 3 years ago today, Mark was in the emergency room at St. Mary's, Dr. Burry was working very hard to save Mark's life.

Dr. Burry came out to tell me & the family that Mark had slim chances on living past two weeks from the severity of his injuries. With his lung collapsed, the other one full of blood, all is ribs on his right side broken, his liver lacerated in 3 places, his eye socket broken, his jaw completely broken in two laying on his chest.... You can read more on Mark's accident site.

You wouldn't even believe it to look at him today! Just like the Doctor's said, it was a "Miracle." Thank God for every day we have, make the most of it. Don't dwell on the negative but look towards the positive in everything & everyone. Life is a gift, we never know what day will be our last.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The boys are doing so much better...

As most of you know, the boys have really been through alot in these past two years & have seen alot of suffering, stress, and very serious grown-up situations that little boys shouldn't have to deal with.
Cody went with me to almost every one of my chemotherapies. Wade helped me alot when I was sick, and they both saw the awful condition their Daddy was in after his car accident a couple years ago.
I can't imagine what was going through their little minds through all of this. Seeing the family in tears, all the doctors, living in the hospital for over a month straight. But I think they have done miraculously well considering.
Cody has had some behavioral problems in school but I have taken him to therapy & Wade saw the counselor at his school on a regular basis while I was going through cancer treatments last year. Both boys have improved alot, the therapist & their doctor says it is normal for such young children to have some post traumatic stress & some depression from experiencing these kind of scary events that happened to their parents, but that they should make an almost full recovery.
And I believe they have, I am so proud of them!
Cody went to a birthday party today for a friend of his at school. He had a great time & it was nice for me to be able to get out of the house for a change & have some 'adult' conversation. :) All the parents at his school are so nice & friendly, I really enjoy talking with them. We are lucky to live in such a great community. I just wish we could afford to keep sending Cody to his school, Trinity Lutheran, next year, but I am afraid as long as we keep getting buried in medical bills, Cody will have to go to public school next year for kindergarten. But that will be ok, Wade & Cody can ride the bus together then & they will go to the same school. They will like that! :) We are blessed.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mark & the boys all went with me...

to my oncology appointment to see Dr. Browning yesterday. It was so nice of Mark to take off work early just to go with me. Dr. Browning explained the PET scan results to us, said it all looked good. I am 15 months out of chemo & 14 months out of radiation treatment now and he said that teh first 24 months are the riskiest time for the cancer to come back. He said if I can make it through another 12 months, then he will declare me cured! So let's hope the next 12 months of scans all come back clear too.
I am still having intestinal problems & pain on a daily basis, so he is sending me for another colonoscopy on wednesday (if I can find someone to run my daycare that day). He said the PET scan only shows the outside, not the inside of my intestines, so he wants to make sure the insides are clear of cancer now too.
Dr. Browning said the intestinal problems could also be neuropathy related from the chemo, which as we know, ABVD chemo can cause some neuro problems. As most of you know I still struggle with memory issues.
But all else is fine & I am doing great compared to a year ago! :)
My hair is almost 6" long now & looks normal again, it's so nice not to be starred at when I go out in public anymore from being bald. :)