Friday, May 25, 2007

One year anniversary of my Cancer diagnosis

Memorial Day weekend last year, I was in the hospital undergoing surgery to supposedly remove a benign tumor in my abdomen.
As I awoke from the anesthesia, I was given the bad news that the doctor had been mistaken, it was cancer.

It's been a very, very rough year, for not only me but also my husband & sons.

In the last 12 months I've been through:
  • 4 surgeries (8 in my life so far)
  • 12 horrible, horrible ABVD chemo treatments
  • 13 radiation treatments
  • 8 CT scans
  • 3 PET scans
  • 23 X-rays
  • tons of excruciating pain
  • one trip to the emergency room
  • 3 hospitalizations
  • Over 68 needle pokes
  • lots of puking
  • hair loss
  • covered in scars
  • and buried in medical bills .......but I'm still here!

I'm stronger, wiser, tougher, my faith is renewed, my friendships are deeper and my heart is overflowing with love, gratitude and thankfulness!

If I hadn't learned to fight and stay positive, I would have given up a long time ago and probably wouldn't be here now.

Faith, Love & Positive thinking can overcome most anything!


Fred Walter said...

Good to see your post! I kept looking for one. Congratulations on another year. It is kind of strange to say that, or for some people it is. But, I know what you are talking about. I thank God every day for a new day and a chance to carry on. Faith, Love and Positive Thinking can truly overcome most everything. Some of my students think that money is most important. Others say that health is. I say "Love and friendship" are the most important. Love and friendship will get you through times with no money and poor health.

In these areas, Love and Friendship, you are blessed. And with these you have Faith. My second anniversary is coming in July. Can't recall the exact date. Still carrying on in Taiwan.

Your friend across the ocean in a little country called Taiwan, Fred
9:00 PM

Monday, May 07, 2007

Oncologist sending me to Indianapolis

We have had a very busy week! My dad's wedding was last Saturday, it went well and everyone had a good time. We especially loved visiting with our family who came in from Delaware & Ohio to stay with Mark & I for a few days.

Dr. Browning, my oncologist, is still not satisfied with my open biopsy results. The report stated that there were no signs of cancer, only benign lymphoma cells. The orthopedic surgeon who performed the surgery told us that my hip is very fragile and that I should be careful not to fall, put much weight on it or climb ladders ever again to keep it from fracturing.

The oncologist said I am too young to be having such degeneration in my hip and he wants to send me to Indianapolis Medical Center to be examined by a lymphoma specialists. My appt is June 11th (Me & Mark's anniversary, doesn't sound like a very romantic day, does it?).

Mark's last day of work is this friday. I think we will be ok. The Toyota employees who have lost their jobs will be able to receive unemployment until they can find a new job they said. It won't be much but will at least buy groceries.
We've received a lot of support from our family who were here visiting and they have been very generous in donating some funds to get us through the next couple months.

I've started my 2nd job as the Clerk-Treasurer for the town of Darmstadt. It's a job I can do from home, mostly in the evenings. Between the daycare during the day and the Clerk-Treasurer job in the evenings, I'll be busy, but it's worth it.

We have to do what we can to make ends meet right now. I enjoy both my jobs so that's good. I still get to be home with my little boys and that's the most important thing to me. (the baby in this picture is my precious daycare baby, Edan)
I have faith, I know things will work out for us, with the help of our wonderful family, friends and God!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


The surgery went ok. I'm sore but not as bad as I thought I would be so that is a blessing! Dr. Spohr put me under anesthesia, had a tube down my throat and put me on a special hip fracture table where my right leg could be elevated and I could be on my side when Dr. Gary Moore, my orthopedic surgeon, drilled into my femur & trochanter. Here's an xray he gave me when he had the rod in my bone.
I have stitches that will come out next week and alot of bruising but other than that it's ok. No big deal compared to the pain I've been thru before. :)
Here's some pictures of my 'sexy leg' ha ha. This whole cancer deal is just one ugly makeover after another. Won't I be attractive this summer in shorts! :)

I won't know the results until thursday when I meet with my oncologist, Dr. Browning.

Thanks for everyone's concern, emails & cards, I really appreciate it so much. I need all the encouragement I can get right now!