Monday, August 20, 2007

Well, 6 hours ago, I finally said goodbye and good riddance to my cancer! The awful chemo port was removed from my chest this afternoon. It was scary and very painful at first but fine after the numbing shots kicked in.
My neighbors came to my rescue. My wonderful neighbor, Amanda Loughran, took off work early today just to be home to get Wade when he got off the bus from school while I was at the hospital. Then, my good friend Rusty (Amanda's son) drove me and Cody to Deaconess Hospital today to be my support and take pictures for my website for me. They are the best neighbors & friends!

I am glad it's all over with. I hope I never have to go through this again or anyone else. The whole cancer deal, surgeries, chemo, radiation, all of it is even much worse than you think it is. God Bless anyone who is going thru it now. That is why I decided to document everything because when I started this journey, there wasn't much out there to give me comfort or prepare me for what was ahead. So I hope these pictures and my cancer journal can help someone else dealing with the cancer monster.

Cancer can go to hell!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I am getting Deported Aug. 20th!!!!

Yep, you heard it right! De-ported! I will have my port-a-Cath taken out of my chest on Monday, August 20th! So, you know what that means............

I am cancer free !!!!!!!!!!!

In case you don't know, that is always a huge moment for cancer patients; when the surgeon finally takes out your port, that means they consider you in remission & cancer free! Goodbye port, it is such an eyesore, very itchy, pokes out a good 1/2 inch, hurts wearing a seat belt because it rubs on it, people stare at it and its just miserable, so goodbye and good riddance! :)

Praise the Lord! I prayed so hard my eyes were sore from closing them so tight & straining.

I met with Dr. Browning to get the results of my PET scan yesterday and it showed NO EVIDENCE of abnormalities or cancerous cells. Even the spot in my right hip that lit up to a 13 in March and gave everyone, including me, such a scare, has disappeared! Isn't that awesome.

Doctor says I can officially get on with my life now, the dark cloud is gone and the cancer monster is not on my shoulder anymore! Hallelujah! Thank God, Thank God, Thank God for everything in my life, I am extremely relieved and feel like a new person.

I can finally make plans for my future, knowing that I will most likely have a future now! I am so grateful to God that I have a beautiful, wonderful, life to live. I don't take anything for granted and I am ready to move on and make plans, knowing that I finally can. No more chemo monster, no more 'not knowing', no more chemo crap! Cancer can just suck my big chemo bag and die! Yep, that's how I feel.