Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mark lost his job, Toyota laying off 370 workers!!!!!

It's official. We knew it was coming, there had been rumors for weeks that another big layoff was in the works at Mark's job, but we had no idea it was THIS BIG! I'm sure many of you have seen it on the news and it was on the front page of the paper today that Toyota is getting rid of it's entire variable workforce of 370 people.
Mark said they will be getting rid of the people by department and that his will be one of the first. Mark was told his last day will be May 11th.
My surgery is next week, so at least we will still have health insurance for that. I'll be in Deaconess Hospital monday & tuesday.

MY GOD! I think I'm starting to break! Everyone always asks me how I've managed to hold myself together thru Mark's near death accident, over a month in ICU, the quarter million in medical bills, my current struggle with cancer, surgery, chemo, radiation, trying to take care of the kids, doing daycare to help pay the bills and now Mark losing his job and us losing our health insurance!
I think I've finally hit my breaking point.......

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