Saturday, March 08, 2008

The boys are doing so much better...

As most of you know, the boys have really been through alot in these past two years & have seen alot of suffering, stress, and very serious grown-up situations that little boys shouldn't have to deal with.
Cody went with me to almost every one of my chemotherapies. Wade helped me alot when I was sick, and they both saw the awful condition their Daddy was in after his car accident a couple years ago.
I can't imagine what was going through their little minds through all of this. Seeing the family in tears, all the doctors, living in the hospital for over a month straight. But I think they have done miraculously well considering.
Cody has had some behavioral problems in school but I have taken him to therapy & Wade saw the counselor at his school on a regular basis while I was going through cancer treatments last year. Both boys have improved alot, the therapist & their doctor says it is normal for such young children to have some post traumatic stress & some depression from experiencing these kind of scary events that happened to their parents, but that they should make an almost full recovery.
And I believe they have, I am so proud of them!
Cody went to a birthday party today for a friend of his at school. He had a great time & it was nice for me to be able to get out of the house for a change & have some 'adult' conversation. :) All the parents at his school are so nice & friendly, I really enjoy talking with them. We are lucky to live in such a great community. I just wish we could afford to keep sending Cody to his school, Trinity Lutheran, next year, but I am afraid as long as we keep getting buried in medical bills, Cody will have to go to public school next year for kindergarten. But that will be ok, Wade & Cody can ride the bus together then & they will go to the same school. They will like that! :) We are blessed.

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