Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I must be the definition of flexibility

Changes again ... Well, I was calling yesterday to double check on my surgery and insurance coverage and it's a good thing I did.

Come to find out, our insurance is the same company but they changed our in-network providers from Sagamore to Indiana Health Network as of April 1st (last week). Which I knew about and had already checked that my oncologist, Dr. Browning was still in-network for me and he is.

BUT, St. Mary's hospital is NOT!!!!! UGH! What awful news. So from now on, I have to go to Deaconess, which I have never been there for any treatment and Mark's Dad died there, so its just not a comfortable place for us.
Anyway, guess we'll have to get use to it, no other choice. Just be glad we have insurance, right?! :)

So, the surgery is CANCELLED for today and is now scheduled for friday at Deaconess! Which also messed up my daycare schedule for the girls I watch on friday. I felt so bad to have to call their mom and mess up her plans also on friday.

I'll post the results of my surgery as soon as I can. They should be able to tell me the same day if it's the cancer again that's eating up my hip or something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prayed that you would have the strength and courage to face whatever comes your way. Good luck sweetheart.
: )